The Battle of Iran and the United States on the pistachios

In a report on the rivalry between Iran and the United States in the world of pistachio trade, the BBC wrote: Global pistachio trade is facing unpredictable barriers due to tensions between Tehran and Washington. The BBC has added: “The global pistachio industry has billions of dollars in revenue per day, and is rising in value and popularity this month.” The United States and Iran have dominated global pistachio trade, and in the past decade they have totaled 70 to 80 percent of the annual pistachio production in the world.
In the past 40 years, Iranian manufacturers have faced a lot of pressures, including sanctions, tariffs, and access to global financial facilities.
Although the pistachio itself was not on the list of sanctioned goods, the restrictions imposed on global banking made it difficult for Iranian pistachios to trade.
All of this was changed in 2016, following the conclusion of a nuclear deal in Iran called the Joint Action Plan. The agreement with the United States and its allies led to the lifting of sanctions. The only Iranian oil that flourished in international markets, the pistachio industry has gained foreign markets.
The BBC continued, however, that the progress was also subject to challenges. The president of the United States, Donald Trump, referred to a nuclear deal that the achievements of his former counterparts, called “the worst” agreement of American history. He refused to confirm this agreement in October. This action will entrust the United States Congress with responsibility for assessing and deciding whether Iran has adhered to the provisions of this agreement and whether the United States should remain in it.
The English media wrote in another part of the report: Iran’s pistachio industry has a history of thousands of years. But planting pistachios in the United States began in the 1930s using Iranian seeds.
The pistachio planting of commercial purposes in the United States, along with 1358, led to the closure of Tehran-Washington relations and Iran’s sanctions by the United States and its allies. In the decades to come, given the financial constraints imposed by the sanctions, the industry also lost its prosperity even in countries where the Iranian pistachio market was.
The price of pistachios has risen since 2002. Richard Matwyan, director of the American Pistachio Business Association, has linked this to raising awareness of the benefits of pistachios to health and the rise in global demand for healthy snacks.
In addition, the increase in demand in China has been one of the key factors in the growth of this sector. According to the American Pistachio Business Association, between 2008 and 2013, pistachio exports to China rose 146 percent.
Following the 2014 drought, the price of California pistachios increased from $ 3 per pound – an average of 453 grams – to $ 5 for the same amount. But that year the Iranian pistachio product was good. Iranian pistachios in countries like China could easily afford the market at a price of about 20 cents below American pistachios.
The growth of the US pistachio industry in 2016 will improve the market and lead to a balance in prices. But the other point that Iran contributes to its global trade is its geographic location. “The Iranians have the advantage of transportation,” said Matwiyan. They can simply take markets like the Chinese market. ”
According to the British media, the profits and losses of Iran’s pistachio industry are not limited to sanctions. Iran says its pistachios have a better taste, while Iran and the United States are mostly seeding the same. For example, Turkish pistachios have different meanings. The United States has also imposed a 241 percent tariff on Iranian pistachios, which means that even if sanctions are not available, American market doors are closed to Iranian pistachios.
“The shortage of water is no longer a problem for Iran,” said the BBC’s British spokeswoman. “It is a major obstacle to the development of the pistachio industry,” according to one of the Iranian pistachio industry officials. Iran pistachio is in the second place in the 2016 world after the 2016 season, and given the fact that the world’s pistachio market is exclusively available to these two countries, Iran does not need to return. But for pistachio fans who are increasing day by day, increasing access to Iranian exports of pistachios and reducing prices can be a sweet result.

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